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“I nga ra e hi ika, he kupenga tatai awhai nuku”
“If you wish to catch fish, first you need to ensure your net is in good order”.

Whanaunga Harry Maki Midwood was able to share this whakatauki – custom designed for Patuharakeke by Harry and Meto Hopa of Kawhia. This vision was developed during a series of strategic hui in 2011. The “net” was a recurring theme, demonstrating for example, whakapapa, to awhi each other, keep our whanau safe and so forth.

The Mission:

  • Our whanau are well, safe, educated and connected

The Goal:

  • Building whanau capacity to keep our safety net strong and well

Guiding Principles:

  • To strengthen our whakapapa through communication strategies and caring for our elderly

  • To retain our identity and grow and celebrate Patuharakeketanga


  • Tikanga me ona reo (custom, culture & language)

  • Kotahitanga (unity, connectedness)

  • Hauora

  • Engage and develop our rangatahi

To strengthen our connectedness to whanau that live away from the kainga and offshore


Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust Board: PO Box 557, Whangārei

Takahiwai Marae: 229 Takahiwai Rd, Takahiwai, 0171. Email:

Many whanau and friends have contributed to this website but we would especially like to acknowledge Gilbert Paki, Harry Midwood, Guy Gudex and Paraire Pirihi for providing some of the historical context; David Milner for providing photos and maps, Kieran Connellan for his photos (see; Terenga Parāaoa Marae Komiti and Te Warihi Hetaraka for allowing use of the kowhaiwhai pattern; Juliane Chetham for ongoing maintenance of the site. Ngā mihi nui koutou. Disclaimer: The PTB board accepts no liability associated with publications, media or communications regarding PTB activity or business that has not been authorised by PTB in advance.

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